Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I am thankful that after many years of playing in groups and bands, the Lord enabled me to produce a solo album with all original songs I wrote, entitled "Today and Yesterday, Yesterday and Today". The title reflects the songs - 7 newly recorded in 2021, and 7 previously recorded over the past three decades (with different bands). The music was primarily recorded in small home studios on a "shoe string" budget, yet I am happy with the end result. The styles range from pop, rock, and soul - all with lyrics that glorify God and encourage the believer. If you would like to purchase an MP3 album download, go to this link: scott.petersonsquad.com ~ Peace and love my friends!

Friday, October 29, 2021


One thing the pandemic has taught churches all over the world is the importance of quality online content for their ministries. After the lockdown hit nearly two years ago, pastors were suddenly scrambling to update their web sites, purchase web cameras, and set up Facebook accounts to enable Sunday services to be live streamed. In short order YouTube was inundated with teaching videos and worship gatherings, and Zoom meetings became the norm for church staff meetings and Bible studies.  Three months into the pandemic, Barna research group reported that 96% of pastors indicated they were streaming their services online. However, a closer look revealed that 32% of Christians who typically attended a live worship service at least once a month had not watched any online service during that time. Some churches saw a significant rise in their number of online followers, increasing their reach beyond their city limits to viewers around the globe, while others ultimately shut down due to lack of support. Using these metrics, we can surmise that greater emphasis on the online worship experience has gained new followers, but lost some old ones - which is disconcerting. 

To be sure, for all of the annoyances related to the internet, the advancement of the Gospel through technology is certainly a blessing. For some, online worship may be a helpful solution to taking in a service, when work schedules or travel plans interfere with physically attending the church. In the case of the lockdown, online services became the only option to worship with fellow believers, other than those in our immediate "bubble". The point of this article is not to rail against online ministry, which has proven to be helpful and effective. Rather, I want to drill down on what the Bible has to say about gathering as the family of God. Hebrews 10:24 says "let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works". Ok, we can certainly accomplish this online; Zoom meetings, text messages, emails - all of which can be used to encourage each other in our faith. But then verse 25 goes on to say, "not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting (encouraging) one another, and so much the more as you see the Day (of Christ's return) approaching." It's tough to get around the Bible's instruction to physically come together - though possibly an argument could be made that being "together" online is the next best thing.

As a person, a Christian, and a local church pastor I truly believe that nothing else compares to in-person gatherings where we can worship live together. As nice as it may seem to worship in front of the tv in our pajamas, God moves in powerful ways when we come together "in one accord" (Acts 2), and He created us for fellowship - both with Himself, and with one another! This is why solitary confinement is such a powerful tool of deterrent for inmates incarcerated in our prison system today; the lack of social interaction can drive a person to madness. Thankfully when businesses, churches, and sporting events were suspended during the height of the pandemic, connectivity through technology helped to ease the frustration, providing the opportunity for people to virtually enjoy large events - not to mention keeping in touch with loved ones who we were separated from. Social media helped bridge the gap in our relational needs, yet somehow failed to fill the gap fully. At least most people were still able to connect personally in small circles and one on one, though the same could not be said of our senior community shut up in care facilities. It was a time of great excitement and celebration when restrictions were finally lifted, and we could come together again!

In short, I am thankful for the quality online Christian resources and expressions of worship that we enjoy today (of which this blog is a part!) God is using these tools to extend the reach of the local church, and touch many souls for His kingdom. That being said, I believe online services should serve as an onramp for people to get involved in a local church, especially when live gatherings are available. We don't simply attend church to see what we can get from it; we go in order to give to others as well - hope, encouragement, care, prayer, and camaraderie as we worship together as the family of God. The Lord is the one who designed the church, and He commissioned us to work together in love until He returns!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Monday, March 16, 2020


The world is experiencing a crisis right now, unlike any it has seen in decades. The COVID-19 Coronavirus has spread throughout cities, countries, and continents - officially declared by health authorities as a global pandemic. Certainly we are living in perilous times! As good citizens we endeavor to follow practical safety precautions, as we do our part to help the spread of this terrible virus. Sporting events have been shut down, concerts cancelled, and restaurants have been closed in an effort to reduce large gatherings where the virus could more easily spread. Churches all over the world have chosen to live stream their services, and business employees are being allowed to work from home - all in an effort to stay secluded and "self quarantine". One might ask the question, "Where is God in all of this?" The truth is, He is where He has always been; on heaven's throne and in control!

Followers of Jesus Christ have a confidence and hope that those without God do not understand. We know that the providential hand of God is on our lives, and in times of peril we look to His Word and stand firm on His powerful promises. There are many, but I will encourage you specifically with five.

Psalm 119:104,105  “Through Your precepts I get understanding ... Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.
All throughout scripture there is practical instruction on how to be safe, happy, and blessed. It is up to us to read His good instruction, then apply it to our lives in order to reap the blessings.

Psalm 91:1-4The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say concerning the Lord, who is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust:  He himself will rescue you ... His faithfulness will be a protective shield."
Regardless of what is happening in our world, God has His hand upon us, helping us each day.

Philippians 4:6,19 "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
When we are living for Jesus Christ, we have the assurance that He will provide all of our daily needs.

Isaiah 46:10  I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done,
saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will.” 
God has a master plan, accounting for the consequences of mankind’s sin, and Christ’s righteousness, throughout human history. He is orchestrating His plan toward a final conclusion; 
His glorious return! 

John 16:33  These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
The Lord gives us the presence and power of His Holy Spirit living in us, providing His "peace that passes all understanding" (Phil 4:7) to comfort, strengthen, and encourage us through any difficulty. Be encouraged today, for God is in control!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Monday, October 23, 2017


This year marks the 40th anniversary of the death of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. Tens of thousands of adoring fans gathered this summer at the Presley estate known as Graceland in Memphis Tennessee, remembering the man who is considered to be one of the greatest icons of the 20th century. Who was this man that continues to be loved by millions, most of whom never having the chance to see him perform live, let alone meet him in person?

Elvis Aaron Presley was born in a humble two room house in Tupelo Mississippi on January 8th, 1935. He had a twin brother who was stillborn at birth, so Elvis grew up an only child. His parents Vernon and Gladys moved the family to Memphis Tennessee in 1948, and in 1954 Sam Phillips of Sun Recording Studios discovered the budding 19 year old singer, recording "That's Alright Mama", which rocketed Elvis into instant success. In 1955 his recording contract was sold to RCA Victor, and by 1956 Elvis was firmly established as an international musical sensation. Over the years Elvis starred in 33 films, and his music garnered him 3 Grammy awards (including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award at age 36). His American recordings earned him gold, platinum, and multi-platinum awards, and globally Elvis has sold over 1 billion records - more than any other musical recording artist in history!  His blend of blues, country, and gospel helped define the birth of rock and roll as we know it, and his charm and charisma excited live audiences to a frenzy in sold out concerts around the world.

With all of Elvis's fame, fortune, and international success, one would think that he must have been the happiest man on earth, right? Unfortunately, those closest to Elvis have documented that this was not the case - especially after the divorce from his wife Priscilla in 1973. Joe Moscheo of The Imperials (a gospel quartet who sang back-up for Elvis) said that Elvis's marriage failure "was a blow from which he never recovered". No amount of riches on earth will every bring lasting joy or contentment, and broken relationships can prove devastating. Prescription drugs soon became an addiction for Elvis, and twice he overdosed on barbiturates - spending three days in a coma after one incident. The demanding touring schedule, deteriorating health, obesity, and personal depression compounded. Finally, on August 16th 1977, his girlfriend Ginger Alden discovered him in an unresponsive state on his bathroom floor. The King was dead at age 42.

The question is, where is Elvis Presley spending eternity? It is widely known that Elvis grew up in church, and he wanted to sing gospel music. All of his competitive Grammy awards were won for his gospel recordings. Even after he reached super stardom, following his concerts he would often retreat with his southern gospel back up singers back stage or in a hotel room to sing sacred Christian songs for hours. Rick Stanley is the step-brother of Elvis, and lived with him for a time in his Graceland mansion, even travelling with him on tour. Regarding Elvis's faith, he said this; "Elvis was very complex ... he had the ability to turn it on in concert ... actually, he was a very shy person. He had a great love of the Lord. His aunt was a preacher, and he paid for her church. He gave cars to strangers, and he visited St. Jude Children's Research Hospital during the holidays. He was the one constant person who would always ask me, 'Rick, are you staying close to the Lord?'" Just like many famous celebrities, Elvis made tremendous mistakes, and was troubled in his life. He missed out on many blessings that God was willing to give. Like all of us, our journey on this earth is a series of decisions that we make, some positive and others negative. However, John 3:16 makes this promise, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life." Did Elvis believe in Jesus Christ? Only God knows for sure, but I personally believe that he did; Elvis himself stated openly that only Christ is the King. I hope that when Elvis breathed his last, he was ushered into the presence of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will have to wait and see.

Friday, October 13, 2017


The Christian life is a blessed one - far better than wandering through life without God. With this understanding in mind, we can also be honest and admit that life sometimes has its challenges. If you're like me, you have probably experienced both good times and bad - mountain top triumphs and valleys of discouragement. Thankfully, our blessings far outnumber our trials! As a follower of Jesus Christ, the best place I can turn to in times of trials is the Bible, which holds the keys to wisdom, strength, and happiness. II Corinthians 1:20 states, "For all the promises of God in Him (Jesus Christ) are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." Simply put, everything that God declared He would do for followers of Jesus, He will do! We can build our lives on the relevant and enduring Word of God, and be confident that He will keep His promises - since He is faithful and true. Here are ten timeless promises which bring strength and encouragement to me, and I hope they will do the same for you! 

1. DIRECTION. Proverbs 3:5-6  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
~ When we commit to live for Jesus Christ as Lord and trust in Him fully, He guides the events of our lives and leads us daily - keeping us on his perfect path which he has preordained for us to experience.

2. GOODNESS. Romans 8:28  "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
~ When we love God and live for His purpose, we can rest assured that He works all things - the positive and the negative - to produce goodness in our lives!

3. PROVISION. Philippians 4:19  "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
~ It is wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father promises to supply all of our need (not our greed), regardless of difficult circumstances or mounting odds against us. He takes care of His own.

4. PROVIDENCE. Isaiah 46:9-10  "Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying 'My council shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'"
~ There is only one God, and He is on the Throne! He gives mankind free-will, often resulting in harmful choices. Nevertheless, God is in control, fulfilling His providential master plan throughout the ages.

5. WISDOM. James 1:5  "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach., ad it will be given to Him."
~ God provides heavenly wisdom and direction, both for difficult  and confusing circumstances, and for everyday life. All we have to do is ask Him in prayer to lead us, and believe Him for the answer!

6. DELIVERANCE. Psalm 91:14  "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My Name."
~ We do face battles as believers in Jesus Christ. However, God is our refuge and fortress. Even if we are tested in order to help us grow, know that He also delivers us in His perfect way and perfect time.

7. SUCCESS. Joshua 1:8  "This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."
~ A simple yet powerful Kingdom principle; obedience to God's Word brings blessing; disobedience brings destruction. The Bible is God's blueprint to build a happy life - both for now and eternity.

8. CHURCH. Matthew 16:18  "And I also say that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
~ Regardless of the enemy's strategies and attacks, more and more people are coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord. The Kingdom of God will advance, and Jesus will return for His Bride - the Church!

9. HEALING. Isaiah 53:5  "But He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."
~ Jesus Christ paid for our salvation through His shed blood on the cross. Through faith in Him we have forgiveness, salvation and healing - body, mind, heart, and soul. Sometimes believers receive physical healing in this present life, but all of God's children are promised complete healing and happiness when we receive transformed bodies in His glorious presence! (See Romans 8:18-25)

10. ETERNITY. John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 
~ We all go through struggles in life, and sometimes we lose loved ones who pass from this earth. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the hope and assurance that when this life is over, we will enjoy an eternal reward in the glorious presence of our Lord and Saviour! Choosing to live for Jesus Christ guarantees us an abundant life now, and eternal life later in our heavenly home - praise His name!

Monday, May 15, 2017


I remember the moment clearly; sitting in my living room on my brown leather chair, reading the Apostle Paul's letter in I Timothy 4:14, the words suddenly penetrated my heart, "Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the eldership." Right then and there I broke before the Lord, as the realization that this scripture completely applied to me hit me hard! I knew what God had gifted me to do; I remember the summer after Bible college, when the word of prophecy was spoken over me. I saw His hand of provision and blessing over our ministry, during the years my wife and I had led churches in the U.S. and Canada. Though I had tried several times to step away from the very thing I was called and created to do - serve as a lead pastor to the local church - the Lord was clearly re-confirming my call. I understand that "for everything there is a season", according to Ecclesiastes chapter three, and there are different ways to use our gifts for the Kingdom of God. However,  if I was to ever know true peace, purpose, and fulfillment, I had better say "Yes" to God and fully embrace my calling in this particular season of life. Remember how poorly it turned out for the prophet Jonah, when he tried to run from God's direction! Serving as an associate pastor was a good season of change (and one that I needed), but it was time to return to the senior pastorate and work the harvest fields of souls. There are different ministry models of how to lead a church, and a team mentality is a positive paradigm; the important thing is to use our gifts in service to our God, "for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:12). The Lord had equipped me to serve as a pastor/shepherd, and entrusted me with His calling, so I needed to serve Him in this way again. My wonderful, godly wife agreed that this was the right course of action. A great deal of prayer and conversation between Kari and I took place in the months that followed, and a short time later we were accepting an invitation for me to become the new lead pastor at a church in the beautiful Fraser Valley of British Columbia. 

What is it that God has called and created you to do? What gifts, dreams, and desires has He put into your heart? I think that often Christians hold a linear interpretation of Psalm 37:4; "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Does this simply mean that if we please the Lord with our lives, He will give us what we want? Partially (though the "desires" need to be godly ones, not selfish). However, I truly believe that this scripture has a deeper meaning. It describes how God gives, or implants, His desires into our hearts. For example, why would a 10 year old child dream of one day leaving the comforts of home and travelling to a far away, third-world country to reach people for Christ? Because God implanted that passion - that desire. Psalm 37:5 goes on to say, "Commit your way (life) to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." When we commit ourselves to God, and trust Him to guide and direct our lives, then He promises to bring his good plans to fruition. Everybody has a gift from God to use for His glory (I Peter 4:10). Let Him use your life to make an eternal impact. Go ahead - answer the Call!

Thursday, July 21, 2016


The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter 3; "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven . . . A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance". Recently our family went through a time when our faith and resolve were tested. My wife and I felt a release from the church we had been leading, and were called to a new ministry position. The Holy Spirit confirmed in our hearts that the situation was right, but now the process of transition had to begin; selling our home, finding a new place to live, packing, moving, etc. Our home sold in a matter of days, but the competitive fast paced market in the Vancouver lower mainland made it difficult to track down a place for our family to purchase, as we endeavoured to move closer to my new place of employment. In the middle of all this, one of our sons had to be hospitalized, and his stay turned into weeks. Uncertainty as to the outcome brought significant stress into our lives, as everything seemed to compound upon us at once! 

There are times when we cry out to God from our heart, and this was one of those times. The promise that the Lord gave me was a scripture which I have written about before; Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." I held on to this promise, knowing that through it all God was in control, and would work this situation out for our good. We have to remember that "all things" includes the trials and tribulations of life! The Apostle Paul also wrote in Romans chapter 5 that tribulations would produce perseverance, character, and hope - which would not disappoint. God indeed did not disappoint, but rather brought my son through his medical situation in a sovereign way. In addition, our family purchased a suitable home closer to my work, and life is moving forward in an exciting way - to the glory of God. Let me encourage you; when it feels like you are standing in a downpour of adversity, remember to stand firm on the authority of God's Word. In His perfect way and time He will fulfill every promise He has given us (II Corinthians 1:20), provide shelter in the rain, and lead you through to triumph!

Friday, April 29, 2016


I Peter 3:15 tells us to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you". I believe it is important for the believer in Christ to be able to defend their faith, at least in some basic form. This defense is called " Christian apologetics", and my article below describes seven reasons why I believe.

1.   PLANET DEGRADATION – The Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy disprove an evolving earth. Rather, it attests to the fact that our planet is deteriorating, moving from a perfect state (as God created) to an imperfect one. This is not a theory, it is indisputable scientific fact. Subsequently, environmental lobbyists cry out for government and its citizens to “save the planet”, and mother earth is worshiped by millions today.

2.    LACK OF FOSSIL RECORD – If Darwin’s evolutionary theory is correct, and mankind evolved from lower species of animals over millions of years, there should be literally millions of transitional fossils (half breed creatures). This would stand to reason, seeing as there are millions of fish and mammal fossils in the geological column today. Instead, scientists today continue a desperate search to simply find one legitimate example, in order to help support their hypothesis. The search continues, to no avail.

3.           ORDER REQUIRES DESIGN – It is impossible for accidents to bring order from chaos. DNA molecules, cells, and all living creatures require energy and information in order to form a functioning living thing. As an example: a powerful tornado with lightening and hail would not assemble a house or an office building, even if the storm continued to rage over thousands of years. Rather, it destroys these structures. A living creature is significantly more complex than an inanimate object such as a building, even if that building was the Empire State Building or the Taj Mahal.  An intelligent creator is necessary in order to design the blueprint for life.

4.        HISTORICAL EVIDENCE – Both Biblical and secular historical records attest to the fact that Jesus Christ lived upon this earth. 1st century scholar and historian Titus Flavius Josephus documented in his book “Antiquities of the Jews” that Jesus was a teacher, a worker of miracles, and known to be the Messiah. Our very timeline of civilization is categorized as B.C. or A.D.  B.C. traditionally refers to “before Christ” (some use B.C.E., meaning “before common era”). A.D. is from the Latin phrase Anno Domino, which is translated “year of our Lord”. Jesus Christ remains the pivotal person of world history.

5.         PROPHETIC EVIDENCE – In order for statements to prove credible, they must be proven true. The Bible contains approximately 2,500 prophecies. At least 2000 of them have already come to fruition, against incredible mathematical odds (which have been calculated). A portion of prophecies have yet to be realized, as they deal with the end of days. Examples of prophecy given and fulfilled hundreds of years later: David described the manner in which the Messiah would be crucified in Psalm 22 and 34:20 – 400 years before the Roman crucifixion was invented; Isaiah prophesied that the Persian king Cyrus would conquer Babylon and subdue Egypt, 180 years before it occurred; Jesus Christ told his disciples in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that not one stone of the Hebrew temple would be left on another. This was fulfilled by the Roman army under Titus in 70 A.D., when they conquered Jerusalem and completely destroyed the temple, pulling down the stones in order to extract the gold inlay.

6.        SOCIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE – Atheist declare that there is no God, and agnostics believe that there may be a God. There is a problem with both of these positions, for if we deny the existence of God, then the Bible based Judaeo Christian values on which North American and European countries have established their constitutional civil laws become subjective, at best. Morality would then be relative, depending on the person and circumstance. We see this movement taking place within our governments today. Since many believe there is no God and no moral absolutes, then determining right from wrong is relegated to the politicians and ever changing viewpoints of mankind, which as we know is flawed, and limited in understanding. Historical statistical research reveals that as North America strengthened its position of separating church and state – relegating Christianity to remain outside of public classrooms and courtrooms - violent crimes, unplanned pregnancies, and marital divorce has escalated at an alarming rate. History proves that relativism and secularism leads to chaos and confusion, eroding the fabric of society. Here's a couple of statistics which help prove my point: the teenage suicide rate in America rose at least 400% from where it was in 1950, and according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, as of 2011 one out of every four teenage girls are infected with common sexually transmitted diseases (in 1960 there were only two types which were known - now there are more than twenty-five). 

7.         PERSONAL EVIDENCE – As a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, I can personally give witness to the fact that God’s plan is the best plan. God has transformed my life from the inside out, giving me peace, purpose, provision, and promised blessing! Jesus Christ has saved me, and has revealed to me my "R.F.B." - reason for being - which is quite simply to bring glory to God in all that I do (I Peter 2). My "M.I.L." - mission in life -  is to love God, love people, and make Christian disciples (Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 28:19-20). I can honestly tell you that my family has experienced God’s miraculous power and providential hand of favour time and again, and I have seen the positive results of following God's Word on a daily basis. Nobody can take away my personal testimony! Jesus Christ is still the only way to be saved and set free, and I am forever grateful that He loves us all. Everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) and needs a deliverer. If you don't know Him as your Saviour and best friend, I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord today! Romans 10:9 declares, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." 

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Twenty years ago if you would have described to me what society would look like in 2016, I don't know if I would have believed you. As a Canadian/American dual citizen, I care about both countries, and pray for a spiritual revival. The fact of the matter is, right now both Canada and America have relegated Biblical morality to the sidelines, instead embracing relative morality and pop-culture ideology. Psalm 33:12 tells us, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord". In 1962 the U.S Supreme Court ruled that prayer had no place in public schools, and later determined that the 10 Commandments did not belong in judicial courthouses. These nine appointed judges were not voted in by the people they govern, yet they wield the most power - even more than the president. Sad that the advice from our founding president George Washington was ignored, as he declared, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour." Make no mistake, this was no ambiguous deity he was referring to, as many pluralistic ("all roads lead to heaven") religious leaders today might claim there to be. No, George Washington believed in the triune Godhead; God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the blessed Holy Spirit. 

As part of God's Church, Christians are called to be Salt and Light, and have a positive message to share. Sadly, conservative Christians today who still believe in Biblical values as our forefathers did - including traditional marriage and the sanctity of life for the unborn child - are vehemently chastised through social media and mainstream news outlets, labelled as intolerant haters and discriminators. Ironically, the hate is actually spewed from liberal extremists, who refuse to respect the fact that others who hold different opinions have legitimate reasons for doing so! The truth is, God's Word has proven through the centuries to hold the keys to life, liberty, stability, and happiness. We share this truth because we believe the words that Grammy Award winning gospel singer Andrae Crouch penned years ago; "Jesus is the answer for the world today". We truly care about our world, and strive to lovingly explain God's biblical blueprint for building a happy life. Just like the un-churched, the Church has a voice, and is entitled to use it. It is important to remember that the U.S. First Amendment was designed to protect freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Christians are not trying to bully and shame others to believe and act as we do (we believe everybody has free will - the right to choose), yet all too often we experience persecution from those who disagree! Moreover, I believe that people who hold to a traditional world view are now scared to express their opinions openly, for fear of being ostracized and shamed to the public - all because they aren't falling in line and bowing to the political correctness of the day. Militant activist picket and protest for social causes that are not shared by millions of others, yet time and again congress caves to the squeaky wheel of political pressure and passes legislation which adversely affects us all. This is not the Canada that I was born in, or the America in which I was raised. God help us today.

Where do things go from here? The sad fact of the matter is, without God's Word as a moral compass to guide governments, the world flounders in chaos and confusion. Since Biblical absolutes have been rejected, then moral relativity is accepted. According to today's pop psychology, who's to say what is right from wrong -  the old antiquated Judeo-Christian guidelines? Legislators in their magnificent wisdom threw that out years ago. Who then is qualified to determine good and bad - You? Me? Morning talk show hosts? Hollywood celebrities? University professors? Politicians? It is obvious that these people deal with the same struggles, failures, and limitations as the rest of us. Only God is perfect and all-knowing. However, when people refuse to follow His wisdom, then the policies of society which get put into place are anyone's game.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:1,3; "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer . . . is that they may be saved". "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God". Therein lies the "rub" for millions of people in the world today; mankind prefers to rationalize and justify it's sin, rather than acknowledging it is harmful and wrong, and submit to God's righteousness. Today's secular progressive society doesn't like to be told what to do, and certainly doesn't like the notion of submitting to anyone - even if it is for their own good! As Christians we need to show the world that God has a perfect plan for people's lives, and offers His holy scripture as a compass to guide humanity, so that we can enjoy clear direction, happiness, and peace in the midst of life's storms. God is on the throne; He sees the chaos that sin has caused, and provides redemption through His Son Jesus. More important than picket signs, let's continue to hold up the standard of righteousness in today's world gone mad, and shine bright in the darkness by living the truth and love of Jesus Christ every day! "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven". > Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Written and performed by Scott Peterson and Level 7, for the Northwest Ministry Network A/G.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I recently returned from a missions trip to India, spending nine days in one of the most fascinating and culturally diverse countries that I have ever had the opportunity to visit. I was invited by Dr. Mathew Koshy, who was a close friend of my father (who went to India five times) while he was alive, and who is now a trusted friend of mine. Dr. Koshy, a Ph.D. and respected retired professor from the University of British Columbia, received a calling from the Lord some twenty-four years ago to begin a gospel outreach to the the northern State of Bihar. Like Provinces in Canada or States in America, India is divided into twenty-nine States and seven Union Territories. Bihar is a deeply impoverished region which was vastly un-reached with the message of Jesus Christ, and had become known as "The Graveyard of Missions". In fact, Buddhism had it's birthplace many years ago in Bihar on the banks of the Ganges River, where many people still make pilgrimages today. In this spiritually dark corner of the planet, the light and love of God is now being spread at a rapid rate, through the work of a mission organization of which I am honoured to be a part of, called India Mission. Over the past twenty three years a Bible college has been built, as well as several ministry centres across the state, where thousands of lives are being transformed with the saving power of Jesus Christ! I personally spoke at a pastors conference with at least 1,300 workers in attendance, worshiping our Lord for all that He has done. 

I had the opportunity to spend one day in New Delhi, a city teaming with over 20 million people, a variety of businesses, and modern technology. Afterwards we flew to Patna, the capital city of Bihar. As we traveled outside of the city, my mind was struck with the filthy living conditions that so many are subjected to, as villagers strive to make enough money simply to survive. A combination of  the Hindu and reincarnation belief system, which teaches that you deserve your lot in life due to actions in a previous life, coupled with a residual mentality left over from the old caste system, leaves millions hopeless and resigned to live in squalor. These are the people and places that India Mission is reaching with the good news of Jesus Christ, providing hope and fresh vision for the future! Well over 1000 churches have been planted in the area, and Christian pastors and workers are continuing to be trained and sent out to reach people with the Gospel. What a wonderful sight to see the lives of so many being transformed, body, mind, heart, and soul!

Travelling to India and witnessing the incredible work of evangelism taking place there was a blessing to me, yet it amplified a message that all of us need to hear in the North American church; are we reaching our own mission field, in our own "back yard"? In Acts 1:8 Jesus said "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses unto Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Jerusalem was the local capital city for the Jews in Israel, so Jesus was telling the disciples to begin missions at home, then spread the message to the ends of the earth. Are we willing to do the same, sharing the truth and love of Jesus Christ to our friends, family members, and co-workers? As we ask God to give us a heart for the lost, then He will also provide opportunities for us to share our faith. When we step out in obedience and allow the Lord to use us as an ambassador and witness for Christ, then He will work through us in exciting ways to impact people's lives all around us for the Kingdom of God!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


WWCHD? - What would Charlton Heston do? This month "EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS" hits theaters nation-wide; Ridley Scott's adaptation of the Biblical account of Moses and the Israelites, with their extraordinary departure from the land of Egypt. To be honest, I was excited about this release, as I enjoy historically based movies of epic proportions. The reviews are in; if you are looking for an entertaining grand-scale adventure filled with action and drama, then this movie is for you. However, if you are looking for a Biblically accurate account of the Exodus of the Jews, then not so much. Though the movie is stunning, it is frustrating that once again a modern film director erroneously believes that he can improve on a precious and powerful event from scripture, adding a modern spin and retelling the story in a new interpretive way.  The result; a portrayal of a less than omnipotent God, and a less than God-fearing man. This picture does have some redeeming qualities, and many will probably enjoy it. I have provided what I believe to be an honest and balanced assessment.

The Positives: EXODUS: GOD'S AND KINGS displays faith, courage, and perseverance on behalf of God's chosen ones. The basic components of the Exodus account are in place, and God's divine intervening power on behalf of the Israelites is undeniable. Certainly the grand cinematography and special effects are awesome, and Christian Bale is a strong presence on screen. The battle sequences are excellent, and the drama at times is engrossing. Viewers are transported into ancient Egypt, and caught up in the plight of the Hebrew race. The movie also provides a platform to discuss the Bible with cinema-goers who otherwise may have never given it a second thought. 

The Negatives: Much like the bizarre big screen version of Noah, directed by Darren Aronofsky, in Ridley Scott's movie we have noticeable departures from the Biblical account. An 11 year old boy was designated to portray the "messenger" for Yahweh the Lord, Moses sustains a head injury which aids in his faith, and his reluctance to lead the Jewish people segues into arguing with God at certain points - tending to lose a sense of reverence and awe which I'm sure the actual Moses maintained. In addition, some of the supernatural plagues of God are explained in more environmentally scientific terms - apparently to make the whole series of events seem more plausible. 

Does God, who created the entire universe, need any help in sending out insects or parting water? No! This is another example of a humanistic approach in dealing with spiritual subject matter. In our world today we have churches that are watering down doctrines of the Bible in an attempt to be more culturally relevant and socially acceptable. The truth of the matter is, God is who He is, and does what He does - all to accomplish His divine plan and purpose. His love, power, righteousness, and providence remain real and relevant today. His Word never changes. God told Moses in Exodus 19:3-5, "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles wings, and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me". Hebrews 13:8 tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." 

As followers of Jesus Christ who believe in His Word, we need to stand firm in our faith now more than ever. I am thankful for the certainty of God's Word, proven trustworthy again and again throughout history. I am also glad that the truth of God's Word can be shared with millions of people world-wide through the media arts - including cinema, though imperfections are inevitable. If you choose to see Ridley Scott's movie, then I hope that this  posting will give you some insight as to what you should expect. Alternatives which are more faithful to the Biblical text include Mark Burnett's depiction in his miniseries, The Bible. For me, the grandfather movie of epic Bible adventures would have to be Cecil B. Demille's 1956 Academy Award winning, The 10 Commandments, featuring Yul Brynner and the great Charlton Heston. You can't beat the classics!

Monday, November 3, 2014


I grew up on CCM - Contemporary Christian Music, back in the days when this powerful musical movement was just being born. Much of it can be traced back to the Jesus Movement of the late 60's and early 70's out of Costa Mesa California, though creative sparks were taking place in multiple areas across America and even Canada. Early pioneers in this era include three of my favourite CCM bands; Petra, DeGarmo and Key, and transitioning into the 80's, Allies (formed by lead singer Bob Carlisle and SCB guitarist Randy Thomas). The most influential early CCM rock band would likely be Petra - from the Greek word meaning "Rock". Formed by lead guitarist Bob Hartman in 1972, Petra developed a tight progressive sound with lead singers Greg X Volz and John Schlitt, and their musical career spanned three decades.  Ultimately they garnering four Grammy Awards and ten GMA Dove Awards, and became the first Christian rock band to be inducted into the Hard Rock Cafe. These musicians, along with other pioneers such as Andrae Crouch and the Disciples, Dallas Holm, The 2nd Chapter Of Acts, Sweet Comfort Band, Larry Norman, and Mylon Lefevre helped shape my musical style, and strengthened my spiritual life.

These artist felt strongly that music was a tool, which could be used by God to reach souls for Christ. Many church leaders during this time, however, were not ready to explore styles beyond the traditional hymns or Southern Gospel to which they were accustomed. Unfortunately, this resulted in tension and misunderstanding, and early CCM bands had to find venues to share their music wherever they could - including small coffee houses, prisons, or city parks. Over time, however, the obvious impact for the Kingdom of God could not be overlooked, as thousands of young people came to know Christ. In addition, youth from local churches became encouraged and emboldened in their faith, and enthusiastically grabbed on to a musical genre that they could finally relate to. Soon these bands were selling out stadiums, receiving recognition from secular critics for their musical expertise, as well as greater acceptance and appreciation from the evangelical community. Today Christian bookstores are full of young artists, ranging in musical style and ministry focus. Certain cross-over artists have even enjoyed a measure of success in the secular markets, while still maintaining their message of faith in Christ. I hope that they are grateful to the early musical pioneers who paved the way. I know that I am!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thursday, June 20, 2013


The army of Israel gathered at the Valley of Elah to face the Philistines, who were determined to destroy them. All in all a pretty fair fight, until their giant champion from Gath named Goliath stepped forward. Imagine the sheer terror of the Jewish people as they took in the awesome size of this man; standing over nine feet tall, wearing a coat of mail weighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and carrying a spear the size of a weavers beam! No normal man could match his strength or ability - in the natural it was hopeless. However, there was one young shepherd who knew that He served a supernatural God, who no one could stand against. Of course the young man was David, who proceeded to convince King Saul to allow him to face this formidable foe. David then grabbed his sling, his shepherds bag, and five smooth stones. The scripture tells us in I Samuel 17 that David approached Goliath and declared, "I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts . . . this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand!" It is important to note that David didn't simply walk toward the giant, he ran! His faith was so firmly planted in the protection and power of God that he hurried toward the battle, and as his first stone sank deep into the Giants forehead, Goliath fell like a mighty tumbling tower. David proceeded to take the giants sword and slay him, giving the spark for the rest of the Jewish army to shout in triumph and pursue the Philistines to victory.

What is your giant today? It may be fear, sickness, disease, financial hardship, or family struggles. Whatever it may be, take it to the Lord through the prayer of faith, and trust Him to defeat the giant. James 5:16 tells us "The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." God will will guide you through the challenges, fully meet your need, and use you in a mighty way. When you start to feel overwhelmed and alone, remember that God is with you, and He will fight on your behalf! We can be assured as David boldly declared in I Samuel 17:47 - "The battle is the Lord's."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Today if you were to ask ten people on the street if they were a "Christian", probably close to half of them would say "yes". In fact, about 40% of Americans attend some sort of church, (not all of which are fundamentally Biblical) and many people in our country would still consider us a Christian nation. The tragic fact, however, is that we have pushed God out of our schools by removing prayer, out of our courthouses by removing the Ten Commandments, and to a large extent out of our government through liberal laws and legislation. America has taken assertive steps to move away from the moral principles of God's Word which our country was founded upon, and is re-establishing itself as a secular, humanistic society - with more hope in science and technology then in the providence of Almighty God. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then I'm sure you would agree that we need a Holy Spirit Revival in America today. However, the problem of worldliness over godliness goes beyond the secular realm of the unbeliever. A nationwide survey completed by the Barna Research Group concluded that only 4% of Americans now hold an actual Biblical Worldview. This may not shock you, as many in our country do not believe in God, but here's the big surprise; only about 9% of people who consider themselves a "born again" believer hold a Biblical Worldview themselves. This statistic is astounding! 

The sad reality is that many churches and even mainline denominations have allowed a secular, humanistic agenda to creep in and compromise the pure truth of God's Word. Many misguided pastors and politicians have chosen to part and parcel out the Word of God - selecting what they will and will not apply and believe. This simply will not work, for we know that with God it's all or nothing. This brings me to the focal point of this entry; the need for a genuine Biblical Worldview. You may be asking, "what exactly is a worldview?" Quite simply, it is the theology, ideology, and philosophy held be an individual which serves as their context and approach to their understanding of God, man, and the world. A "Biblical Worldview" is based on the infallible, perfect Word of God (the Bible). When we believe that the Bible is entirely true - not just parts of it - then we allow it to be the foundation for everything we do in life. II Timothy 3:16 tells us this; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction of righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 

Here are four fundamental facts that every Christian believer should believe and follow, in order to truly hold a Biblical Worldview, and make a difference in this world as Salt and Light; 1.] The Bible is the inspired Word of God, perfect and complete (II Timothy 3:15-17, II Peter 1:20-21.) 2.] There is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 45:5, Matthew 3:16-17, Ephesians 4:4-6.) 3.] Only Jesus Christ provides forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life (John 3:16, John 14:6, Romans 10:9.) 4.] We are called to love God, love people, and make disciples until Christ returns (Matthew 22:37-40, 28:19-20, John 14:1-3.) We are called to live authentic faith, so let's know what we believe, and live what we believe, as we shine our lights for Jesus Christ! Matthew 5:16 - "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Monday, February 21, 2011


For those who consider themselves a student of eschatology, the study of prophecy and end times, then the current state of our world has probably not taken you by surprise. Those with no Christian faith may begin by asking, "What makes Christianity and Biblical prophecy any more credible than those found in other religions? Quite simply, the fact that no other "religious" book other than the Bible has proven to be infallibly true. Whether you point to the prophesies in Daniel chapter 2 of the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires which would rise and fall (given as he interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream), or the predictions given in Isaiah 23 and Ezekiel 36 about the rebirth of Israel as a nation (which was fulfilled over 2500 years later on May 14, 1948), the Bible time and time again has proven to be true. In Matthew 24 Jesus gave us specific signs to indicate when his return for his church was drawing near. He told us "Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world... and many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people."

Today as I post this article, the country of New Zealand just experienced a 6.3 sized quake, and 4 countries in the middle east are currently experience serious revolts - with Egypt having just overturned its government. Certainly many false prophets have appeared and led millions astray through false religions, and famines continue to claims millions of lives in the continents of Asia and Africa. The moral decline of our nation has been obvious and dramatic, with Biblical principles being pushed out by lobbyists and politicians, and the concept of "relative morality" becoming the norm in our society today. The formation of the European Union and United Nations have demonstrated the feasibility of a one world government, and the economic instability of the American dollar and the Euro creates a case for the concept of an international currency solution - a final solidification of the global marketplace. So with all of this calamity taking place and prophesies being fulfilled , what is the church called to do? What should our response be? The answer that Christ gave to us in Matthew 24 is clear and to the point; keep watch, be ready, and faithfully serve the Lord each day! Share his truth and show his love in a practical way to those around you, and live each day with eternity in mind.

No one except God the Father knows when Jesus the Son will return, but as we see the signs of the times, we can be confident that we are truly living in the end times - the last days before the second coming of Christ. He is returning to judge the earth and establish his reign with those who faithfully follow him (II Peter 3, Revelation 19-21). It is up to us to apply the instruction found in Colossians 3:23, and live "whole heartily, as unto the Lord." Jesus is coming soon - are you ready for his return?