Friday, April 29, 2016


I Peter 3:15 tells us to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you". I believe it is important for the believer in Christ to be able to defend their faith, at least in some basic form. This defense is called " Christian apologetics", and my article below describes seven reasons why I believe.

1.   PLANET DEGRADATION – The Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy disprove an evolving earth. Rather, it attests to the fact that our planet is deteriorating, moving from a perfect state (as God created) to an imperfect one. This is not a theory, it is indisputable scientific fact. Subsequently, environmental lobbyists cry out for government and its citizens to “save the planet”, and mother earth is worshiped by millions today.

2.    LACK OF FOSSIL RECORD – If Darwin’s evolutionary theory is correct, and mankind evolved from lower species of animals over millions of years, there should be literally millions of transitional fossils (half breed creatures). This would stand to reason, seeing as there are millions of fish and mammal fossils in the geological column today. Instead, scientists today continue a desperate search to simply find one legitimate example, in order to help support their hypothesis. The search continues, to no avail.

3.           ORDER REQUIRES DESIGN – It is impossible for accidents to bring order from chaos. DNA molecules, cells, and all living creatures require energy and information in order to form a functioning living thing. As an example: a powerful tornado with lightening and hail would not assemble a house or an office building, even if the storm continued to rage over thousands of years. Rather, it destroys these structures. A living creature is significantly more complex than an inanimate object such as a building, even if that building was the Empire State Building or the Taj Mahal.  An intelligent creator is necessary in order to design the blueprint for life.

4.        HISTORICAL EVIDENCE – Both Biblical and secular historical records attest to the fact that Jesus Christ lived upon this earth. 1st century scholar and historian Titus Flavius Josephus documented in his book “Antiquities of the Jews” that Jesus was a teacher, a worker of miracles, and known to be the Messiah. Our very timeline of civilization is categorized as B.C. or A.D.  B.C. traditionally refers to “before Christ” (some use B.C.E., meaning “before common era”). A.D. is from the Latin phrase Anno Domino, which is translated “year of our Lord”. Jesus Christ remains the pivotal person of world history.

5.         PROPHETIC EVIDENCE – In order for statements to prove credible, they must be proven true. The Bible contains approximately 2,500 prophecies. At least 2000 of them have already come to fruition, against incredible mathematical odds (which have been calculated). A portion of prophecies have yet to be realized, as they deal with the end of days. Examples of prophecy given and fulfilled hundreds of years later: David described the manner in which the Messiah would be crucified in Psalm 22 and 34:20 – 400 years before the Roman crucifixion was invented; Isaiah prophesied that the Persian king Cyrus would conquer Babylon and subdue Egypt, 180 years before it occurred; Jesus Christ told his disciples in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that not one stone of the Hebrew temple would be left on another. This was fulfilled by the Roman army under Titus in 70 A.D., when they conquered Jerusalem and completely destroyed the temple, pulling down the stones in order to extract the gold inlay.

6.        SOCIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE – Atheist declare that there is no God, and agnostics believe that there may be a God. There is a problem with both of these positions, for if we deny the existence of God, then the Bible based Judaeo Christian values on which North American and European countries have established their constitutional civil laws become subjective, at best. Morality would then be relative, depending on the person and circumstance. We see this movement taking place within our governments today. Since many believe there is no God and no moral absolutes, then determining right from wrong is relegated to the politicians and ever changing viewpoints of mankind, which as we know is flawed, and limited in understanding. Historical statistical research reveals that as North America strengthened its position of separating church and state – relegating Christianity to remain outside of public classrooms and courtrooms - violent crimes, unplanned pregnancies, and marital divorce has escalated at an alarming rate. History proves that relativism and secularism leads to chaos and confusion, eroding the fabric of society. Here's a couple of statistics which help prove my point: the teenage suicide rate in America rose at least 400% from where it was in 1950, and according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, as of 2011 one out of every four teenage girls are infected with common sexually transmitted diseases (in 1960 there were only two types which were known - now there are more than twenty-five). 

7.         PERSONAL EVIDENCE – As a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, I can personally give witness to the fact that God’s plan is the best plan. God has transformed my life from the inside out, giving me peace, purpose, provision, and promised blessing! Jesus Christ has saved me, and has revealed to me my "R.F.B." - reason for being - which is quite simply to bring glory to God in all that I do (I Peter 2). My "M.I.L." - mission in life -  is to love God, love people, and make Christian disciples (Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 28:19-20). I can honestly tell you that my family has experienced God’s miraculous power and providential hand of favour time and again, and I have seen the positive results of following God's Word on a daily basis. Nobody can take away my personal testimony! Jesus Christ is still the only way to be saved and set free, and I am forever grateful that He loves us all. Everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) and needs a deliverer. If you don't know Him as your Saviour and best friend, I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord today! Romans 10:9 declares, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."