I recently returned from a missions trip to India, spending nine days in one of the most fascinating and culturally diverse countries that I have ever had the opportunity to visit. I was invited by Dr. Mathew Koshy, who was a close friend of my father (who went to India five times) while he was alive, and who is now a trusted friend of mine. Dr. Koshy, a Ph.D. and respected retired professor from the University of British Columbia, received a calling from the Lord some twenty-four years ago to begin a gospel outreach to the the northern State of Bihar. Like Provinces in Canada or States in America, India is divided into twenty-nine States and seven Union Territories. Bihar is a deeply impoverished region which was vastly un-reached with the message of Jesus Christ, and had become known as "The Graveyard of Missions". In fact, Buddhism had it's birthplace many years ago in Bihar on the banks of the Ganges River, where many people still make pilgrimages today. In this spiritually dark corner of the planet, the light and love of God is now being spread at a rapid rate, through the work of a mission organization of which I am honoured to be a part of, called India Mission. Over the past twenty three years a Bible college has been built, as well as several ministry centres across the state, where thousands of lives are being transformed with the saving power of Jesus Christ! I personally spoke at a pastors conference with at least 1,300 workers in attendance, worshiping our Lord for all that He has done.
I had the opportunity to spend one day in New Delhi, a city teaming with over 20 million people, a variety of businesses, and modern technology. Afterwards we flew to Patna, the capital city of Bihar. As we traveled outside of the city, my mind was struck with the filthy living conditions that so many are subjected to, as villagers strive to make enough money simply to survive. A combination of the Hindu and reincarnation belief system, which teaches that you deserve your lot in life due to actions in a previous life, coupled with a residual mentality left over from the old caste system, leaves millions hopeless and resigned to live in squalor. These are the people and places that India Mission is reaching with the good news of Jesus Christ, providing hope and fresh vision for the future! Well over 1000 churches have been planted in the area, and Christian pastors and workers are continuing to be trained and sent out to reach people with the Gospel. What a wonderful sight to see the lives of so many being transformed, body, mind, heart, and soul!
Travelling to India and witnessing the incredible work of evangelism taking place there was a blessing to me, yet it amplified a message that all of us need to hear in the North American church; are we reaching our own mission field, in our own "back yard"? In Acts 1:8 Jesus said "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses unto Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Jerusalem was the local capital city for the Jews in Israel, so Jesus was telling the disciples to begin missions at home, then spread the message to the ends of the earth. Are we willing to do the same, sharing the truth and love of Jesus Christ to our friends, family members, and co-workers? As we ask God to give us a heart for the lost, then He will also provide opportunities for us to share our faith. When we step out in obedience and allow the Lord to use us as an ambassador and witness for Christ, then He will work through us in exciting ways to impact people's lives all around us for the Kingdom of God!