Friday, October 29, 2010


I'll never forget the winter that my car radiator blew. I had landed my first position as a young associate pastor; barely making enough to live on, yet excited to be serving nonetheless. God had gifted me with certain abilities which I was utilizing in ministry; unfortunately auto-mechanics was not one of them! My car started acting strange, and sure enough my radiator was broken. I had enough money to buy the replacement, but little extra necessary to pay for the expensive shop time for repair. Thankfully, a dear brother in the church congregation offered to help me install the new radiator, which translated into him doing the work and me holding the wrench! I will always remember his sacrifice of time and energy, working out-doors in the cold in order to fix my car.

Isn't this an an example of the New Testament Church, of which every Christian believer today is a part? In Acts chapter 2 the model is given through which people came to Christ every day. It states that believers broke bread together, prayed together, studied God's Word, and made sure that everyone's financial needs were met. Especially in today's troubled times and economic uncertainty, the Lord is calling us to help take care of each other. Jesus said, "they will know you are Christians by your love". The greatest thing which will draw people to God is true agape love in action, sacrificial and unconditional. Are you showing God's love through the things you say and do? Remember, witness all the time - use words if necessary!