On January 20th the eyes of the world were set on the inauguration of America's first African American president, Barak Obama. It would seem that millions of people from countries all around the world are looking to President Obama as the individual who can save us from our financial problems, our environmental predicaments, and our international war proliferation. Finally, our countries can get back on track with stability and prosperity, right? Well, time will tell. David Gregory, moderator of "Meet The Press" reported on the disdain and disrespect certain people demonstrated to President George Bush on the day of his departure from the White House. Fatigue from the war effort in Iraq and frustration over the economic crisis had reached a boiling point. But wait a minute, wasn't there a democratic senate helping to make decisions for the U.S. while Bush was in office? Wasn't the lack of regulation for Wall Street taking place while Clinton was in office as well?
We need to understand that the challenges we face today were not created by any one man, nor will they be solved by any one man. It was a collection of greed, mismanagement, and poor decisions which created this mess, and recovery takes time, wisdom, and unified leadership. We need to pray for our national leadership, but we also need to ask ourselves this question: can Barak Obama and the American government assure us that we will be safe, secure, and provided for? The answer is no, only God can. On the day he was sworn into office, President Obama quoted a passage from I Corinthians 13, which states, "When I was a child, I talked like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things." Chapter one of this same book states, "He (God) will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." Jesus told us in Matthew 6 to "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things (that we need in life) will be added unto you." I believe in these tenuous times God is going to draw more and more people to the reality of His truth, love, and safety. Is your hope and trust in the real savior of the world?